Tag Archives: bargain

Stacey Kidd – ‘Take It Easy’


‘HOUSE 4 LIFE,’ are the words adorning Stacy Kidd’s Twitter account and T-shirt. What happened to Kidd between the mid 90s and now is a mystery. This is another record rescued from a dusty basement for the bargain price of one pound. It seem’s quite fitting that I was listening to this BBC Radio 4 documentary just last night; ‘The Art of The Loop with Matthew Herbert.

‘Most current pop music is created not with live instruments, but from pre-formed, off the shelf chunks of music known as loops. Musician Matthew Herbert explores the art of the loop and the million-dollar industry that has grown up around it, and asks whether it is setting music makers free from the constraints of traditional instruments or killing creativity.’

It really is well worth a listen and it should inform your future listening experiences, this record included.